Risk Management Committee One-Sheets
November 2, 2017:
- Adherence to 460 IAC (PDF download):
Adherence to 460IAC was identified as the third top risk that affects our work with the people we support. To impact this risk area consider the following strategies for the person, parents/guardians, and providers.
April 28, 2017:
- Limited Psychiatric Services (PDF download):
Limited Psychiatric Services was identified as the second of the top risks that impact the people we support. In an effort to inform members of providers they may access in several areas across Indiana, a list of psychiatrists and Nurse Practitioners has been compiled base don feedback from INABC members.
November 9, 2016:
- Staffing Shortages and Staff Turnover (PDF download):
Staffing Shortages and Staff Turnover were identified as the top risks that impact the people we support. As BCs, many these identified risks are out of our control, so this one-sheet is dedicated to finding realistic ways to manage these risks.